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Support Us

How to support us at Lion of Judah Academy:

You may support Lion of Judah Academy in additional ways other than tuition and fundraising. Like most independent schools, the Academy does not receive any funding from the government or any religious organizations. That’s why annual gifts from parents, community, community leaders, current parents, and friends are crucial to our growth. Gifts make up the difference between what tuition covers and the actual cost of running the school. Necessities such as books, dry-erase markers, computers, and software, in addition to teacher salaries and benefits, are all funded by unrestricted gifts to the Annual Fund. If you believe in Lion of Judah Academy and its values, education, and importance in the community, we need your support to help raise and educate tomorrow's leaders today.

When you donate, you will join one of Lion Academy’s prestigious giving clubs:

The Siplins: $2,000.00

Patricia Pearson: $1,000.00

Mr. and Mrs. Walker: $4,000.00


Every gift, small or large, makes a difference in the lives of our students and ensures that Lion Of Judah Academy continues to educate inspiring and deserving young people. In addition to donating online, you can give in the following ways:


You may send or bring in donations to our Main Campus at 1056 N. Pine Hills Rd Orlando, Fl. 32808

You can earn money for Lion of Judah Academy by saving box tops from your favorite General Mills products, recyclable cans join us in our penny drive or by just simply supporting our events throughout the coming year.

You can also donate by shopping on the Good Shop Website where you can save money and they will donate to us at no extra cost to you! Click here to begin saving and donating.

*Lion of Judah Academy is a 501(3)(C) organization and all donations are tax deductible.

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